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Latest updates from the campaign:

Friday, September 13, 2024 11:23 AM

Tam Union school board race draws 5 candidates

Jennifer Holden and four additional candidates describe their candidacy for the Marin IJ. All candidates are supporting Measure B and thought Measure A was to large. Most would have voted against the recent $480,000 for consultants to work with students of color at Tam High saying they should be able to complete this work internally.

Thursday, August 29, 2024 10:52 AM

TUSD may issue pouches to lock up cellphones at schools

TUSD will not vote on what is expected to be a $137,000 expense for the Yondr pouches until after the November 5 election that includes the $289 million Measure B bond proposal insinuating that the funds depend on the passage of the Bond.

Thursday, August 22, 2024 4:21 PM

Tamalpais Union School District Board Approves Contracts

TUSD board members approved $250,000 in contracts to a husband and wife team to support black students at Tamalpais High and $180,000 to two contractors to support students of color in all TUSD Schools. Trustee Karen Loebbaka voted no on one of the contracts due to the $450 per hour rate being charged.

Committee to Elect Jennifer Holden
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